Hi and thanks for visiting my page!
I am John Sekora’s second oldest and have been with Artisan, full time, since the summer of 1988. Although you can say I was born into the tile industry, I really started part time when I was in high school, but it wasn’t until I graduated college that I decided to join "the Artisan family".
Fast forward more years than I like to admit, I am now Project Coordinator for all of our projects. With help from Marie, I take each job from sample approval stage through to completion, from color selections to change orders to field liaison (with the exception of requisitioning & collections, which I try to avoid like the plague!). My main goal, which I am also told is also my biggest fault, is to try to make everyone happy. I take pride in being friendly and helpful and will do my best to provide each of our clients with the outstanding service they deserve.
Outside of the tile world, my real world is my three children. They are by far the best and most important thing that I have, and will ever have the privilege of being part of no matter their ages!
My son, Kevin, is currently attending college and working part-time at Artisan.
The customer.
And he can fire everyone in the company,
from the chairman on down,
simply by
spending his money somewhere else.
- Sam Walton