Rothe Johnson
1st Place, Marble
1991 NJ Golden Trowel
Masonry Award
Rothe Johnson
Matrix Development
Group Inc.
General Contractor
Interchange Plaza features 1,000 square feet of 12 x 12" Creme Marfil field marble which is bordered with a Verde Pacifico marble in the lobby area.
This most unique design was achieved by allowing the Verde Pacifico to "frame" and offset the field marble by its use of a contrasting color.
To enhance its depth, handmade dots, diamond and clipped corners were set on a diagonal and beautifully accented with brass inlay strips. Precision layout was included so that only full tiles were used.
Also included in the three story office building are marble vanity tops and pocketbook ledges formed from 3/4" marble slabs.
The customer.
And he can fire everyone in the company,
from the chairman on down,
simply by
spending his money somewhere else.
- Sam Walton